Biofeedback for bladder problems

It is usually embarrassing to tell about bladder problems. However, these can also be a significant aspect of one’s health and condition of life.


Some of the most popular types of bladder problems include overactive bladder, bladder infection, and urinary incontinence.


This is a condition wherein one feels an intense urge to urinate frequently. It can be very challenging to control the urge and if one does not pee frequently, the so-called “urge incontinence” takes place. This is when one accidentally urinates after an immediate need to go. People who are going through from this condition often urinate over eight times in a day.

One of the most prevalent causes of this condition is advanced age and conditions that often comes with aging. Enlarged prostate, diabetes, and cognitive deterioration (as with Alzheimer’s or dementia) can contribute to overactive bladder.