What is a biofeedback device and what does it do?
What is the Oberon Biofeedback device and what does it do?
Oberon is a full body scanner which is designed to scan the body and identify the state of the organs, tissues, cells, DNA, etc. through the measurement of frequencies.
Every cell, tissue, organ, and biological structure in our body has a frequency which is a result of the rotation of the atoms in the cells. Dr. Royal Rife was one of the first people to do research to take this further and prove that imbalances in the body (which we know as disease, infections, intoxications, etc) also have frequencies. Scientists in Russia over 30 years ago developed NLS (non-linear systems) which utilized Dr. Rife’s research to take it further into deep frequency analysis. This means that beyond the manifested state of illness, we are able to see into the cells of the body to identify root causes and focus on healing the body from the inside out.
Combining this research we are able to identify not only which organs are “out of balance” but what exactly is causing that imbalance and apply frequency therapy to rectify the causes.
Oberon is designed not only to conduct scans of individual body organs, cells, tissues, and structures but also offers 5 different therapy options to choose from in order to balance as well as an option to create remedies.
Due to this unique approach, it is crucial to have proper training. In the last 17+ years of our company, we have encountered many situations in which Oberon findings were not confirmed by regular medical tests until many months later. Oberon is able to see a process of disease before it manifests (as well as identify current disease imbalance) and my purpose here is to help guide and teach how to read the information correctly. With this nuance in each scan and treatment protocol you will be able to progress in learning and continue to learn from other users and myself. A big part of your success is the team behind the machine and we are committed to our users when they are committed to their learning.
Types of imbalances Oberon can find:
-microorganisms infection (parasites, fungus, bacteria, virus, etc.)
-heavy metals
-chemical imbalances
-vitamin and nutrient deficiency
-emotional imbalances
…and many more!
Types of therapies Oberon offers
– Protective Meta-Therapy (sends healthy frequencies to organs, tissues, cells of what their correct state should be. This helps the organ push out disease and recover)
– Destructive Meta- therapy (uses Rife frequencies to destroy microorganisms)
– Physiotherapy (uses light therapy to administer specific condition and disorder therapy)
-Phytotherapy (utilizes frequencies of therapeutic plants)
-Stone Therapy (utilizes frequencies of therapeutic stones)
What are some of the most helpful features of Oberon?
– The ability to customize scans
– The ability to customize treatment protocols
– Automatic creation of notes for quick analysis
– Option to manually analyze organs for the purpose of gaining context about a found problem
– Therapy options
– Remedy preparation option
– Possibility of distance scans and therapies (remote work)
– Various report options
(Reports are crucial to us because we can track detailed progress. We can see the changes happening between visits and can determine how effective therapy is, how progressed the problems are, etc. For example, you can see in this report data side by side of two dates and the changes between the first and later scans (April 29th and May 6th)).
– Access to 10,000+ topics of analysis (topics such as pathology, microorganisms, biochemical imbalances, heavy metal intoxications, emotions imbalances, etc.)

What makes Oberon “different” from other systems and companies?
This is one of the most common questions we receive.
We do not know what other companies offer and what their systems are advertised to do. However, we do have some tips for you when looking for an authentic bioresonance/biofeedback device:
1. Determine what it is you are looking for the system to do and look for a company that can offer all that you are looking for.
a. Are you looking for a system to run full body scans for analysis of health concerns? How detailed is the analysis you would like to have? Some devices give general information about where the imbalances are but do not list specific details about what the imbalance is or is caused by. Others give specific data which you can track progress of. Some units focus on energy only and others have energy and physical effects of imbalances.
b. Are you looking for a system which will provide therapy options, remedy preparation or both?
c. Are you looking for all of the above?
2. Look closely into the monthly or yearly fees when it comes to software updates and training.
a. Software updates are important. No technology is perfect and the company’s ability to improve, create new features and innovate also says a lot about their authenticity because only authentic systems and companies have the engineers to create and update software.
3. Training
a. Ongoing training is crucial to your success with any system. It is important that you have a community and access to someone who can help answer your questions.
Now, here is what we offer at Oberon
- Lifetime technical support
- Free software updates
- Ongoing training (Weekly zoom sessions and password protected training page full of videos, resources and user manual)
- E-mail questions support (I like to use email because all the questions you may have can be answered with screenshots, instructions and information which you will always have to reference again anytime)
- 3 year hardware warranty
- Software complete for full function from analysis to therapy and recovery
Safety and CE Certificate
Oberon Biofeedback has a safety certificate which we updated just this month. It is there to show that Oberon cannot hurt people as well as provide CE marking for European distributors and buyers.