Pets and biofeedback

Biofeedback systems in the world have been primarily focused on humans. Here at Oberon Biofeedback, we have been working on developing software for all pet lovers who care deeply about the health of their pets. Veterinary clinics will also have access to our software which focuses on dogs and horses. The key features and development purpose of Oberon Pets software is no different than the use of human Oberon software which is designed for scanning and administering therapy for dogs and all pets with related organs to maintain health and longevity of animals.
Not all countries have the luxury of owning and loving furry friends, but certainly, much of the world has invested in pet ownership and health. This investment does not come cheap as Veterinary organizations have also discoveredthat there is money to be made by treating pets as humans in a kind of medical field. What we are focused on is giving control to pet families by allowing the person to scan their pets vital organ and look for any imbalance pointing to illness, infection, and care of those findings. Instead of paying thousands of dollars on doctor visits, surgeries, and other invasive treatments, people and Veterinary clinics will have access to a NON-invasive Biofeedback system for pets which identified root causes of illness and captures the development of illness on a cellular level to allow for preventative involvement.

Oberon Pets software will come in many languages and we are hoping to get the software into the hands of people who are willing to test the software, make suggestions for improvement and shape the system to create the most simple, detailed and efficient scans. Identifying illness on a cellular level has not been the focus of veterinary medicine, but Oberon Pets can change this forever.
Anyone who is interested in learning, developing and experimenting with our pet’s software as is, can qualify for a special offer with future benefits as an exchange of mutual support and development. If you are interested in learning how this can benefit you please send us an email:

We are not a multimillion-dollar company interested in exploiting our buyers, our success is directly influenced by your success and the success of ALL of our users and software projects. You are the driving force of our efforts and developing a product that is affordable, effective, efficient and life-changing is always our priority. Let’s make a difference together!