Inspiring Biofeedback Therapy Testimonials That Will Change Your Life
The Power of Oberon Biofeedback!
Oberon Biofeedback and NLS systems in general, are not FDA approved and therefore cannot release official studies of their impact. Studies, in a traditional sense, make claims that suggest diagnostic and treatment inclinations of the device. Those are the kinds of things our users can be held liable for. Rather than “studies” we collect testimonies which speak to the experience our users have which is real to them, enlightening to all, and interesting to those who might be interested in Oberon. Below are just a few of those testimonials and general information about who uses our NLS biofeedback systems.
Who buys Oberon and other various biofeedback systems?
Families –
Some of the most common Biofeedback seekers are families who are in need of a modality which will offer them an alternative approach to health and wellness. Oberon allows families to address acute and chronic symptoms with therapies as well as focused explanation of possible root cause of health degeneration. These therapies are not “treatments” in that they are not invasive, do not require in person sessions and affect everyone differently. Nevertheless, testimonials are consistent and cover a diverse set of conditions, symptoms, and health challenges.
It is not uncommon for a family to obtain Oberon for themselves and later expand their work with Oberon to the community, extended family and friends.
Wellness practitioners –
Wellness consciousness and alternative health are growing around the world since the experience of the pandemic. Many of our buyers are people who have small practices and offer their services (Oberon biofeedback and other services).
Hospitals and clinics –
There are places in the world where our systems are used in hospitals and local clinics. Thailand and India are two places where Oberon Biofeedback systems have been implemented specifically and mostly in hospitals and clinics.
Sports facilities and Spas –
Like wellness clinics and practices; Oberon can also be found in certain Spas and sports facilities. When Oberon was first created, it was implemented often in sports facilities as a wellness scan for athletes. Currently we have quite a few Spa owners in the USA and other places where Oberon scans are available.
Testimonies from our users
- Oberon therapies are very effective for children. Acute challenges such as fever, flue, congestion, and other temporary childhood conditions can be stabilized and shortened with Oberon therapy.
(Photo of 5 month old receiving therapy for a fever) Prior to Oberon therapy fevers last 3-5 days, with Oberon therapy fever breaking in one day.
D.A. Netherlands

- “Six year old girl with eczema. Three weeks of remote therapies and her step mum contacted me to tell me that her eczema is all gone and that her vitiligo is nearly gone, I didn’t know about the vitiligo!”
B.A. Australia
- The youngest client (3 months old), eczema was gone after two weeks of therapies. Mother was also scanned for food intolerances and was advised to make diet changes.

- “I work with Autistic children in London. After doing 1 month of daily therapy with a child, he began to speak and not only speak well but now learning 3 languages! Some kids are recovering very fast, some not. They have speech therapy every day. But everyone can see the changes from Oberon. They are calmer, more present in the present time, they sleep more hours from the beginning they start the therapy. The vitamins intake is very important and the food. No gluten, no sugar, no milk, food must be organic”.
E.M. Macedonia
- “A 19 yr. old girl that has seizures and was told she doesn’t have epilepsy. She started with and eye flutter and was put in med then started having Grand Mal seizures. She was weaned off that med and went back to eye flitters. Then told it could be hormonal. Put on depo and having grand mal seizures again. I have been treating her remotely since July 17th. She had a grand mal seizure a few days before I saw her. She recently had a test, EEG where they stimulated her brain to have a seizure. Her mother called me today with the results of the test. SHE DID NOT HAVE ANY SEIZURES!!! She has had these tests every year since 2014. Last year she measured 7. And the doctor didn’t have any explanation for this. Also, her bloodwork for the med she is taking measured low!”.
- “Let me give you some good news… It is visible to see the condition of the child. After one month therapy, he was completely healthy child. Every time I am amazed with the results of the Oberon”.
E.M. Macedonia
(Photo before Oberon therapy)

(photo after Oberon therapy)

- “Hello Diana I send you a success story of a client of mine The story!!! She is a 73 years old lady. She came to me because she had a terrible pain to her urinary system, she did exams test to the laboratory and they told to her that she had proteus and cystitis so they told to her to take 2 different antibiotic. Despite her pain she wanted to do therapies with Oberon. We start the same day, and the scan finds other microorganisms. I trusted it and started every day meta therapy. On the third therapy the pain had gone. We did 12 days (everyday therapy) and she did again test to the medical laboratory and the results were amazing, the doctor there told to her that the antibiotics did the job, so her problem had gone. But the truth is that she never took any medicine!!!! Only Oberon therapy and some alternative medicine like hydrolytes”.
L.L. Greece
- “Woman 40 years. Very sharp pain in the right ovary in five months. Having visited the doctor several times without success. I treated her for 30 minutes, and her pain was near zero. Five days later, it came out a big lump of phlegm. Since then there has been good. With strengthening treatment problem was solved and has not returned!”
O.H. Sweden
- “Someone came to me yesterday in so much pain she couldn’t stand straight. Software found a cyst. We did meta therapy and made a remedy. She told me her pain had already lessened by last evening!”
- “I am scanning and sending therapy remotely to an 82 yr old, since Sept 2, that has been told she has heart failure. Everything in Cardiovascular is chronic and just about all energy levels are black. She had a mini stroke that night but begged me to keep treating her. She had many tests…brain scan and scoped behind the heart. She was told there wasn’t anything wrong. I am treating cardiovascular system daily and I check with her daily to see how she is feeling. The arteries of the medial surface of cerebrum left side has only had 10 % energy level and all level 5’s. Today, Sep 27th, energy went up to level 4’s. I am so excited. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she just washed her sheets and remade her bed. She said she has more energy today than she has for quite some time.”
- “I had a client who had eye glaucoma and macula problems we did therapy three times in one week then he was sent to major clinic for operation and they could not find anything to operate for.”
L.M. Australia
- “I have some amazing news regarding a girl of 24 who was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. The doctors had told her that she was terminal and had months to live. I sent her supplements and personally did daily distance therapies as she could not afford the therapy. I worked on her consistently from September – April but heard nothing, I did not want to contact her in case she had passed away or felt obliged to pay for therapy. A mutual friend came to the clinic and said have you heard about (the girl) – she is completely cancer free. I got this message from her yesterday: Hello !!! I really hope you’re well? Chloe mentioned that you were continuing my distance therapies throughout the beginning of the year. Can’t tell you how grateful I am and I know that it contributed to my current health. Honestly eternally grateful I am currently cancer free and have been since February. I haven’t had any chemo since then and continuing to get clear scans every 10 weeks – anything is possible!!!”
M.R. United Kingdome
- “I had been diagnosed with stage 3 ovarian cancer and after 4 months of daily therapy I went back for a check up and my doctor was amazed to tell me that I was Cancer FREE!!! I treated myself several times a week to achieve this incredible result!”
- “I had a client come in with depression, we looked in Oberon and THERE IT WAS! I treated her that day and again for a few weeks. She was really amazed to say that she was feeling better and felt “lighter” in her mind. We researched and found that there were microorganisms which possibly caused a chemical imbalance in her body and mind which we also treated in each session. She was considering suicide for a long time and now is in a happy relationship loving life!”
“I have been scanning and treating my brother-in-law for Parkinson’s disease. He has had the disease for about seven years. He has had six brain surgeries and has electrodes in his brain that are hooked up to a battery and can be adjusted to help with the tremors. It does not stop the progression of the disease. Because of the electrodes I have not been able to scan him with the headphones. We decided to try remotely. I started treating him on August 6. He has had very noticeable improvement. He uses a walker or cane the majority of the time and has someone with him just about 24/7. He has a very difficult time with sleeping and that seems to add tremendously to his daily struggles. He also has had ringing in his ears for two years nonstop. I started treating nervous system and micro cells every day through remote and we cannot believe the change in his quality of life in the short time! I have contact with him daily to see how he is doing. He is sleeping all night! He has reduced his medication for Parkinson’s by half because he was having dyskinesia. He has gone from five Dopamine shots a day to one or two!! My niece called me the other day to tell me he was mowing the grass. That is something he has not done in over two years! Incredible!”